Ninja oskarżony w dissie o satanizm i gwałt

Ninja oskarżony w dissie o satanizm i gwałt

  • Dodał: Karol Truszkowski
  • Data publikacji: 27.03.2019, 14:01

Australijska raperka Zheani nagrała piosenkę wymierzoną w członka zespołu Die Antwoord. Powstał również do niej teledysk. Tekst jest pełen oskarżeń, o satanizm.


Kilka dni temu Zheani opublikowała na Youtube teledysk do piosenki The Question, która jest dissem na Ninję z południowoafrykańskiego zespołu Die Antwoord. Na ekranie pojawia się mnóstwo zrzutów ekranów z rozmowami między raperami. Utwór pochodzi z najnowszej płyty australijskiej raperki, czyli The Line.


Zheani oskarża Ninję o pedofilię, porwanie, torturowanie i satanizm. Twierdzi, że miała polecieć do Johannesburga w 2013 r. na zaproszenie muzyka, ponieważ "wyglądała jak jego córka". Na miejscu rzekomo znalazła się w centrum piekielnych rytuałów, w czasie których Ninja miał zachowywać się jak Demon, emitować dziwne dźwięki, przemawiać w różnych językach oraz wykorzystywać seksualnie piosenkarkę. Występują również wersy atakujące drugą członkinię DA - Yolandi Visser.



Zespół szybko zareagował na dissa. Yolandi napisała dwa obszerne posty na swoim koncie na Instagramie, w których przedstawia Zheani jako typowy przykład clout chasera (osoby, która trzyma się z innymi lub rozpoczyna beef w celu uzyskania popularności). Oznajmiła, że Ninja faktycznie zaprosił Zheani do RPA w 2013 r. w celu zapoznania się, natomiast teraz Australijka wymyśliła szaloną historię z satanizmem i torturami w tle, aby móc rozpocząć karierę muzyczną, atakując przy tym rodzinę Yolandi. W swoich wywodach oznajmiła też, że członkowie DA nie są satanistami, lecz buddystami.

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CLOUT CHASER part 1 It has come to my attention that a DA fan girl called ZHEANI has accused me of some really horrible things. I dont usually respond to these things as people say shit abt me all the time. But this time she has attacked my family including my daughter. Me and ninja broke up in 2013- I started seeing someone else. And Ninja had a bunch of girlfriends at the time. One of them was a fangirl from Australia called Zheani, who Ninja invited to south africa to visit him. She accepted the invite and came to visit shortly after. i think she stayed in SA a total of 4 days or something... (might of been bit longer.. cant remember) i only saw them once during her visit. As you can imagine it was a lil awkward cos our break up was still kinda fresh. I bumped into Ninja and this girl and she asked me for a foto. My first impression of her was she seemed like an obsessive DA fan girl - her hair was cut exactly like mine but she also seemed sweet. Ninja told me aside that after meeting her in person, he didnt really have chemistry with her. Shortly after this he cut the trip short an she returned to Australia. But Ninja felt bad because he said she was a nice person. And they stayed friends on txt. A year or so later (cant remember exact dates) we played at the Big Day out Festival in Australia. Zheani hit us up and asked us if she could help us get Vegan food on tour. We said yes as i thought that was a cool idea. So our management hired her as a PA for our crew. She brought me vegan food every morning on tour - she was really sweet and knew her food well. But when we were backstage i did notice she was trying very hard to hit on 2CHAINZ the rapper who was touring with us. she gave him her number 10 seconds after meeting him and kept hitting on him and his crew the whole time. I thought this was kind of lame - but not a big deal. Anyway the tour ended and the last time i saw this girl she brought me a vegan burger in my hotel room. I said good bye, gave her a a hug and I never heard from her again. ninja told me he stopped speaking to her after the tour because he said she was irritating. (tbc see nxt post)

Post udostępniony przez ¥O-LANDI VI$$ER (@prawn_star)

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CLOUT CHASER prt2 5 years later this fan girl Zheani comes out with an insane story saying she was ‘trafficked out’ to africa by me ???? (trafficking involes kidnapping btw). She also said i tortured her and put her in a satanic ritual????. (just for the record me and ninja are Buddhists, we practise yoga, meditate and are vegetarian. Yes our music and videos are crazy as we are Surreal Artists) this girl is ticking all the boxes of a Crazy Person here. She said ninja dated her cus she looks like my daughter ❓❓❓I mean... WTF??? i know during the 4 days ninja “dated” her, they took a nude selfie together that Zheani sent to Ninja afterwards. Ninja never posted this foto. He’s had so many girlfriends ever since and Zheani was long gone and deleted. this was 5 or 6 years ago and now she comes creeping out the woodwork, with this mental story she’s made up in her head to try launch a music career. This is a typical case of Clout Chasing (google that shit) plz let this be a lesson to y’all. Be careful who you let into your space, escially IG thots . love all but trust no one!!! Women are very powerful. But women who get dumped can turn sour and sour and more sour. It is dangerous when they start making up lies and believing their own bullshit to get back at whoever dumped them. Dont abuse your power girls. “You can fool some people sometimes, but you cant fool all the people all the time” -Bob Marley This is the last time I’m mentioning this girl. I wish her good luck with music, but it would have been stronger to set her career off with good energy, instead of shooting herself in the foot. Anyway, back to reality. Love you all xx ¥

Post udostępniony przez ¥O-LANDI VI$$ER (@prawn_star)

Natomiast na oficjalnym profilu zespołu pojawiło się nagranie z Ninją, który mówi:

- Nigdy nie ufajcie prostytutce, która mówi wam, że nie chce waszych pieniędzy. Prawda jest taka, że chce więcej pieniędzy.

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Link in BIO ????????

Post udostępniony przez Die Antwoord (@dieantwoord)

Karol Truszkowski –

Karol Truszkowski

Miłośnik geografii, historii XX wieku, ciężkiej muzyki i japońskiej popkultury. Absolwent Wydziału Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.